By Desiree Abecassis

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

–       Ralph Waldo Emerson

What is it that makes some people so reluctant to change, and others not? We find individuals at both ends of the spectrum and many at shades in between. Some have suffered from debilitating health conditions, yet have no desire to let go of unhealthy habits. Yet others are so passionate and motivated that they feel the need to change everyone around them. Why is this?

As a Naturopathic practitioner, I have the great honor of asking questions, real questions, that inquire into the deepest parts of human existence. Granted permission from some of my dearest clients, I want to share with you some of their experiences, and what motivated them to come and see me.

That thing that motivates people to change is so very individual AND UNIQUE.

Let’s look at some of the passions that motivate people to choose A HEALTHIER PATH.

THE LOVE OF FAMILY motivates some people to change. One woman I asked, who was diagnosed with cancer and had a 2 – 5% success rate with conventional medical therapy, knew that these odds were unacceptable as she gazed upon her three-month-old son and husband. Maybe it was the “fear factor,” she admits, but overwhelmingly, it was the love and commitment she felt towards her family – the desire to see her son graduate and to grow old with her husband – that really inspired her to start eating healthier and to take the path that would have a 90 percent success rate.

PAIN AND ILLNESS motivates others to change. Once you make the switch from a junk food diet to a whole foods diet, you will find that “cheating” is no longer an option, nor is it even desirable. Taste buds change, cravings dissipate and, with the right changes, you begin to feel alive again. Gastrointestinal illness, diarrhea, stomach cramping, bloating, lower back pain, nausea and lethargy become regulating forces that say, “Ah-ah-ah… are you so sure you want to go back to eating garbage and feeling miserable?” You’ll quickly find that regret melts away, and the positive whole body effects of eating and living in a healthful manner bring about mental clarity, joy and vigour that outweigh the occasional short lived craving.

COMPASSION is another motivating factor which drives people to change their lifestyles in order to help others. When one mother had two of her children diagnosed with autism and sensory processing disorder, she understood immediately that she would do anything she could to heal them. She discovered that healing miracles take place daily for children with autism, when placed on the appropriate diet and health treatments. We can’t save the world, but we can make a difference – one person at a time.

DISDAIN FOR DRUGS inspires people to change when their backs are up against the wall. Many people don’t like the idea of ingesting chemicals and toxins for the rest of their lives. One woman, who suffered from debilitating migraines, opted for a lifestyle and diet change rather than learning how to inject herself with daily medication.

DREAMS AND GOALS can sometimes be powerful motivators for change. One diabetic woman dreamed that her doctor said she had three years left to live, if she didn’t change her lifestyle, eat healthier and quit smoking. With a young daughter, this dream was enough to shake her into action, prompting her to seek out information on natural healing. While she wasn’t able to reach all of her goals, the changes she made added another 25+ years onto her life.

CHALLENGES push competitive people toward change. Athletes love to defy the odds. A-Type personalities love when someone says they can’t do something, because it drives them to overcome the odds and prove their critics wrong every time. This was the case for a mother who gave birth to a son who had brain damage, autism and later developed a drug addiction. Doctors told her to just give up and start looking for a group home, but she was determined to find a better solution. She knew if you expect nothing, you get nothing in return. They turned their focus to food and found the answers to their most pressing challenges.

LEARNING EXPERIENCES are some of the most powerful forces of change. For instance, one woman lost a child to cancer and witnessed her mother suffer from schizophrenia / depression / arthritis / diabetes / Parkinson’s / cancer. She chose not to live her life that way. While one can’t help their genetic lot in life, the individual can make healthy choices to manage internal chemistry and carve out a healthier path. Other people truly enjoy the journey of learning. One mother recounts her story of searching for natural autism treatments, finding solace in the discovery of alternative avenues for treatment outside of the traditional route most are “brainwashed” into blindly following.

HEALTH AND LIFE GOALS help us change course oftentimes. One woman didn’t want allergies, irritable bowel syndrome and incompetent health practitioners to stand in the way of her fertility and her goals of having children. She began to research and empower herself. In the end, she was glad that she had charted her own course, finally fulfilling her beautiful dream of motherhood.

The Importance Of Making Healthy Changes -The Flip side of things

Several recent studies indicate that people with the highest stakes are often the most reluctant to change, according to Valerie Ulene of the L.A. Times. In 2007, researchers at Washington University in St. Louis reported that of 1,200 obese men and women, the average individual lost 0.2 percent body weight following a heart attack (which is 1 pound for a 220 pound person). A 2008 study in the Journal of Clinical Oncology by Canadian researchers reported that less than 20 percent of 9,000 Cancer survivors were getting in their 5 servings of fruit and vegetables each day and only 50 percent were exercising. Didn’t these people get the memo?

  • People who quit smoking after their first heart attack are 37% less likely to suffer another.
  • Heart attack patients who begin exercising are 30% less likely to die at an earlier age.
  • Women with breast cancer who engage in physical activity improve survival rates by 50%.

Challenges To Change

Even though the merits of change are widely publicized, sometimes the path isn’t so easy. Change is extremely difficult for some people because there is no set manual for making a lifestyle shift. Individuals often need guidance to make the changes that most suit their needs. Furthermore, patience is key, as results don’t often appear overnight. Many people ask me how long a particular supplement, herb or eating plan will take to work. It’s as if they would like their symptoms to be erased with the wave of a magic wand. Unfortunately, we have become accustomed to a magic bullet approach. Sometimes this does happen, and sometimes it takes more time, effort and patience for this outcome. It usually takes a lifetime to build up to where we are today, thus we cannot expect to erase the effects overnight. It’s all too easy to get discouraged and fall back to old habits, but given some time, patience and effort, you are bound to experience fantastic results.

For others, it’s a matter of information. One study found that only 1 in 4 cancer survivors had received directives to exercise and only 30 percent received nutritional counseling. Less than half had been asked about their smoking habits. How can these crucial and often determining factors be overlooked? We must demand another standard of care.

To make change happen, people must first realize that the benefits outweigh the effort involved. The effort has a beneficial purpose. Then they must prepare for big change by making small modifications, adjustments and reasonable steps. For example, a person wishing to lose weight will likely have a more successful time changing in the long run if he or she focuses on cutting back on desserts first, as opposed to just going cold turkey, eating nothing but salads and working out at the gym five days a week, only to fall back into apathy. Once the gradual changes are in place, then full-fledged change can occur, and these changes become part of a healthy lifestyle. Remember never to feel limited or deprived. There is an abundance of delicious food and medicine in the natural world.

Where To Get Help in Sparkinging Your Passion

Change involves stumbling upon the right alternative at the right time. For many women, this alternative is Naturopathic medicine, holistic health and self-empowerment. This science purports that everything we need exists in nature. It is merely up to us to discover it. Holistic healing targets the root cause of our maladies at a cellular level, rather than going through other types of therapy that simply alleviate symptoms temporarily. Whether you’ve been diagnosed with an illness, you’re caring for a loved one who suffers, or you are simply interested in living a healthier, more fulfilling life, a certified Naturopath can show you the way.

Remember, life is about the journey – not the destination – so begin yours today!

Desiree Abecassis runs a Naturopathic practice in Montreal, Canada and also consults with clients internationally via Internet. She is a Certified Naturopath and Homeopath who possesses a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Studies, a 4-year certification in Naturopathic Medicine, training in Ayurvedic medicine, Holistic Nutrition and healthy eating. Desiree has been immersed in the field of Natural Medicine for over 9 years, and is passionate about her life’s work. Visit her website and blog at www.resourcenaturopathy.com for further inspiration.

Works Cited

Ulene, Valerie. “Why are unhealthy people so reluctant to change their lifestyles?”. Los Angeles Times. N.p. 23 May. 2009. Web.   15 June 2011. (http://articles.latimes.com/2011/may/23/health/la-he-the-md-change-illness-20110523)

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